M5 Dergi

China is working on an anti-ship missile that dives underwater

 Chinese scientists are working on developing a supersonic anti-ship missile capable of submerging underwater, the South China Morning Post reports.

The publication, citing scientists involved in the project, reports that a five-meter rocket will be able to fly at a speed of 2.5 times the speed of sound at a height of about 10 kilometers before plunging underwater. Underwater, the rocket will be able to travel a distance of 20 kilometers.

As the newspaper notes, as soon as the missile is within 10 kilometers of the target, it will go into torpedo mode, moving underwater at a speed of up to 100 meters per second, forming a giant air bubble around itself, which significantly reduces drag. In addition, the missile can change course or dive sharply to a depth of up to 100 meters, if necessary, to avoid underwater defense systems without losing speed.

The main difficulty faced by scientists is the creation of a power plant capable of providing the necessary thrust both in the air and underwater. According to scientists, this problem can be solved with the help of boron, which actively reacts in both environments, releasing a huge amount of heat.

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