Russia developing soldier ‘invisibility’ kit, defense developer claims - M5 Dergi
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Russia developing soldier ‘invisibility’ kit, defense developer claims

Abone Ol 

A Russian defense manufacturer claims it is developing a soldier camouflage kit capable of evading thermal imagers.

A thermal imager uses an object’s infrared radiation to produce a reflective image, even in low light and through camouflaging foliage.

Comprises ‘Special Fabrics, Dyes’

The kit consists of “special fabrics and dyes” that help it adapt its color to shifting surroundings, CJSC Cuirass CEO Vladimir Kormushin told RIA Novosti.

“We are striving to provide the soldiers with such a disguise that could make them literally invisible to the enemy,” Kormushin told the Russian state-owned outlet.

“Today we are tasked with sheltering servicemen in various wavelength ranges, including thermal imaging. This can be achieved thanks to the emergence of new special materials.”

The Defense Post has been unable to confirm the developer’s claims.

‘Iron Man Suit’

Kormushin revealed that the kit could be offered as part of the “Legionnaire” project, including a composite armor suit.

In November, Moscow announced plans to develop the next-generation armor suit to help increase soldiers’ survivability, particularly against small arms.

The suit would require an exoskeleton for support and body protection from the inside.

The suit’s research phase has reportedly been shortened from three years to one, with an estimated completion by the end of 2023.

Abone Ol 

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